They demand sanctions against the lawyer who denied the Argentine sovereignty over the Falklands


CECIM announced yesterday that it was going to request the imposition of sanctions on the army lawyer accused of having tortured soldiers during the 1982 war, which had called for the incompetence of the federal court of the fuegian city of Rio Grande with the argument that neither the country nor the province has sovereignty over the territory of the Malvinas, when this claim is supported by the state.

CECIM is a promoter and a plaintiff in a criminal case in which Federal Judge Federico Calvete ordered, in December, to open an investigation into 18 officers and non-commissioned members of the armed forces accused of having "inter alia" retained "and" buried "soldiers. acts of torture against his own troops during the bellicose conflict with Great Britain.

In order to avoid the investigation of the ex-military Ramón Eduardo Caro, the lawyer of Río Grande Hernán Bazán Güemes presented a document in which he challenged the jurisdiction of the Fueguian court on the grounds that "the Argentine Republic unfortunately does not have sovereignty over the territory of Malvinas".

In addition, the lawyer wrote that, if the Falkland Islands are considered part of Tierra del Fuego, the "archipelago" should constitute a separate special province "subject to" treaties with foreign powers held by the federal government ".

CECIM's lawyer, Jerónimo Guerrero Iraola, explained to Telam that this type of foundation "restores the Argentine sovereign position on the islands", in addition to violating "the first transitional clause of the National Constitution and l '; article 2 of the provincialization law ".

"Beyond the central objective of this case, pleading in Tierra del Fuego is an act of national demand, which is why the attitude of this lawyer not only deserves the utmost repudiation, but also deserves enforcement of disciplinary sanctions, "Guerrero Iralola badured.

In turn, the lawyer felt that this type of discussion only "revictimizes" people who "expect justice to be done after 37 years of the end of the war".

"The state is also responsible for creating conditions of impunity so that this type of proposal can gain a foothold," concluded the CECIM representative.


Daniel Guzmán, veteran and Ushuaia journalist, said: "Denying the membership and sovereignty of our islands is one of the most disgusting legal gadgets ever heard".

According to Guzmán, soldiers allegedly "transferred to the Falklands the same atrocities that they committed with civil society on the continent." Today, they are desperate to escape the action of Justice, "he said during a dialogue with Telam.

The case of the lawyer Bazán Güemes was dismissed by the complaint represented by CECIM and by the opinion of the federal prosecutor of Rio Grande, Marcelo Rapoport, although Judge Calvete, in charge of the Case, did not solve the problem, informed the judicial sources of Telam.

Calvete keeps calling for an investigation on officers and NCOs Miguel Angel Guard, Belisario Gustavo Affranchino Rumi, Eduardo Luis Gbadino, Jorge Oscar Ferrante, Emilio Jose Samyn Duco, Jorge Guillermo Diaz, Luis Alfredo Manzur, Raul Antonio Linares , Pablo Emilio Hernandez, Claudio Tamareu, Jorge Arnaldo Romano, Ramon Eduardo Caro, Sergio Alberto Guevara, Oscar Luis Contreras, Gabriel Gabriel Rivero, Oscar Albarracin, Ramon Desiderio Leiva and Gustavo Adolfo Calderini.

The case 1777/07, entitled "Pedro Pedro Valentín and others on the crime of public action", comes from the testimony of soldiers after the return of the war of 1982.

The complaint was filed in 2007 with the presentation of the first 25 complaints by Pablo Vbadel, then human rights secretary of the province of Corrientes, and has grown in magnitude as a result of the actions promoted by the CECIM.


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