They demand that Bolsonaro’s mental health be examined | …


From Rio de Janeiro

Last Thursday, a large group of academics from the front lines and from different specialties and especially respected lawyers, petitioned the Supreme Federal Court, the highest court of justice in Brazil, for the president of the extreme right Jair Bolsonaro is subjected to a battery. exams to assess your mental state.

Specific signs of “severe cognitive impairment” are mentioned, and it is recommended that, if a psychotic image is confirmed, the far right be removed from office. After analyzing a series of initiatives and assertions by Bolsonaro, the text says that “a serious pathology is drawn” and that there are indications that the possibilities that the president “presents a paranoid personality disorder “are high.

Everything indicates that the petition will not reach any other port than the drawers of the desks of worthy members of the Supreme Court.

But the initiative shows how far Bolsonaro’s absurd, pathetic and utterly unbalanced attitudes have exceeded all permissible limits. Beyond the destruction of the country, the far right promoted, during the most serious pandemic ever encountered by Brazil, a genocide that caused the death of more than 440,000 people, being that, according to doctors and scientists, at least half could have been avoided.

As much as it does not go beyond a symbolism indicating the degree of alert reached by the lucid part of the Brazilians, the news coincides with two sources which do nothing more than implicate Bolsonaro and his children in a news which will go from bad to terrible.

The first of these sources of negative information is the Commission of Inquiry (dubbed the “Genocide Commission”) established in the Senate, which began operating last week. The two Prime Ministers of Health of the Bolsonaro government, both doctors, assured, under oath, that from the start the president refused to adopt the preventive measures recommended by health authorities around the world, and preferred to recommend the use of drugs which, in addition to having no effect on the virus, can cause very serious side effects.

Everyone else who appeared, including the former Communication Secretary, a staunch ally of Bolsonaro (in his specific case, due to his sheer incapacity and clumsiness), contributed to the increase in the list of complaints. , indicating that not only the president, but other members of his government, they committed, according to the law, not one, but several crimes of responsibility.

Bolivian Carlos Murillo, who chaired the Brazilian branch of pharmaceutical company Pfizer, and now runs the company across Latin America, has revealed how the Bolsonaro government has flatly ignored vaccine offers five times in a row. The rejection means that at least three million Brazilians have stopped being vaccinated since last December, and five more since March.

Details have also been revealed of how Bolsonaro has assembled a “parallel team”, outside the health professions of government institutions, starting with the sector ministry. This team, made up of lower-ranking soldiers and doctors irremediably ignored by their peers, defended the thesis – deadly – of achieving “collective immunity”, that is to say of letting as many Brazilians as possible become infected. until the virus is under control.

Today the active General Eduardo Pazuello, whose leadership at the head of the Ministry of Health is seen as directly responsible for the growing mortality suffered by Brazilians, is due to appear. The news will have taken the sleep not only of Bolsonaro and his sons, but of more than half of his government.

The commission of inquiry does not have the power to punish the culprits. But you can ask the attorney general’s office to do it. And even if no decision is made, the erosion of Bolsonaro and his cronies will surely be irreparable.

Second source of bad news regarding the presidential clan: The most recent opinion polls indicate that support for Bolsonaro has fallen to just 24% of those polled. And that, in the presidential elections next year, Lula da Silva would cruelly crush him.

Bolsonaro and two of his sons know that if they are not re-elected (one is a senator, the other national deputy) next year, their immediate fate will be the courts. And immediately, in prison.

This is why the president dad has lost all vestige of control.


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