They demand that Venezuelans in Argentina come back to rebuild the country


"I want them to take revenge, to help us rebuild Venezuela, because this country will resurface and falterto, "he said Márquez, at the same time, he stated that "your son bears a great responsibility".

"But it's not just his responsibility, but all Venezuelans: you must help himwe have to face this great challenge that he had to live to bring Venezuela to a good port, and we are close: all we need is to anchor, "he said. you have to put tongs on everything simultaneously: health, education, energy, there are children on the streets … for everything, because Venezuela is upside down in every way. But many people are ready to do it, "he added.

Márquez said that his son considered him "big, strong" and added: "He is on the right track, we will be free soon, we will have food, medicine, we will be happy as before."

They eased the income conditions

Given the complexity of the political, economic, social and humanitarian crisis in Venezuela, the national government of Argentina has relaxed the entry conditions of Venezuelan migrants.

Among the main measures, the authorization of income of Venezuelans whose identity card or pbadport expires at most two years; as well as less than nine years who enter the land with one or both parents may present "exceptionally the birth certificateas long as he does not carry any documents "

Also, for those who want to install they will not be required to legalize the certificate of absence of criminal recordbecause it can be checked online or at the consulate.

Currently There are three million refugees and migrants from Venezuela all over the world, according to United Nations (UN) data. Of these, 2.4 million are in Latin America and the Caribbean.

These last years, Argentina received at least 130,000 Venezuelans. Statistics from the National Directorate of Migration (DNM) indicate that between 2016 and August 2018, 80,843 Venezuelans arrived in Argentina.


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