They demand the arrest of Martín Báez for moving 5 million dollars while they were stuck – 06/02/2019


The prosecutor before the Court who tried the Money Route K, Abel Córdoba, asked for the arrest of Lázaro Báez's eldest son when monetary movements were detected for more than $ 5 million abroad, according to a report by the Financial Information Unit (UIF). After this request, the Federal Oral Court 4 (TOF 4) asked Martín Báez to appear at the trial, if not to order his immediate arrest..

Martín Báez was absent during the first hearing of this 2019 edition the trial that began last October for the cause known as the "money K way". With his three brothers and his father, the businessman and former business partner of the Kirchne family, he is accused of money laundering for $ 60 million.

Before his absence without justification, the TOF 4, integrated by Néstor Costabel, Maria Gabriela López Íñiguez and Adriana Pallioti, asked to introduce herself low risk of being stopped.

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At the same time, the prosecutor in Córdoba detected cash flow for $ 5 million as part of the interim measures imposed on Martín Báez and therefore asked to be detained. The TOF has not been published yet.

The information that complicates the situation of Martín Báez is linked to a series of accounts deposited abroad. The son of businessman K has a $ 600 million embargo on this file and, despite the measure, it worked "with the articulation and remote execution of complex maneuvers and millionaires", raised the prosecutor Córdoba.

The maneuver was announced following a report by the FIU headed by Mariano Federici, in which he detected that they had 3,050,918 euros to account 590201 of CBH LTD Bahamas Bank, funds that have already been blocked.

Lázaron and Martín Báez at one of the trial hearings in 2018.

Lázaron and Martín Báez at one of the trial hearings in 2018.

The bank account would correspond to the signature Eastern Shoreline Limited, whose final beneficiaries were Báez's four sons: Martín, Luciana, Leandro and Melina Báez. These funds came from Kinski SA.

On February 25, 2015, Martín Báez signed, on behalf of Kinski, the opening of account 579484 with the bank CBH LDT Bahamas. In a few months, this account has received from Safra Sarasin Bank the sum of $ 10,399,975 from account 608663, which belonged to the Kinsky Foundation, whose beneficiaries were the four children of Báez.

Then, in late 2015 and thanks to the efforts of Ahmad Strachan and rsula Rolle, the account was opened at the CBH LTD Bank of the Bahamas. 590201 on behalf of Eastern Shoreline Limited, established in the same country.

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The financial intelligence report indicates that the beneficiary of this account is Artincom International Trading Corp., a corporation established in the Republic of the Marshall Islands. It's in this last account where they were sent more than 10 million dollars which were previously deposited in the account of Kinski S.A.

In this same bank, a sub-account (No. 590207) was created and, as indicated by the prosecutor of Córdoba, Dollar movements were recorded until August 2 and in euros until July.

As a negative factor for Martín Báez's situation, the courts have found that in the case of both The latest accounts registered in the Bahamas CBH LTD indicate Martín Báez as "beneficial owner""

In this context, the FIU noted that last year € 2,981,646.12 was transferred to account 590201 and about 1,009,391.16 to sub-account 590207.: 3,991,037 euros. Therefore, the prosecution found that during the proceedings Some $ 5.5 million on more than 10 initials escaped.

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In his arrest warrant, the prosecutor of Córdoba said: "It is Martín Báez who, in light of an badysis of the field of facts, stands out with increased protagonism, highlighted before all through the personal underwriting of documents implementing business plan and financial orders that result in the disposition of funds of illicit origin, in open conflict with the jurisdictional decisions made. "

Córdoba relies on this basis to request the arrest, citing the presence of "procedural risk" when one is free Martín Báez, since the banking operations were "directed" by him "and developed as part of the structure of the company incorporated to contain and direct funds from illicit source, the origin of the illegal activity" of his father.

Although Leandro Báez also participated, for the prosecutor, he was below and for this reason, he had requested that the obligation not to be absent more than 24 hours from home be imposed upon him, as well as the obligation to appear periodically in court.

The cause

The "way of the money K" was linked to the cause of the state fraud by the illegal surrender of public works in Lázaro Báez under the Kirchner government (52 contracts for $ 46,000 million). In this case, Judge Julian Ercolini sued Cristina Kirchner and Báez for unlawful badociation. It was considered a predicate offense in the case where the employer is jailed two and a half years ago.

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Therefore, at the third trial that he described as "conglobante", Judge Sebastián Casanello left the 26 accused close to face a maximum sentence of 14 years, where weighed the ordinary operations.

The "accumulation of funds in Switzerland". Until now, Lázaro Báez had been sued for the "dirty money" expatriation and his return to the country. Without excluding that his wealth has increased significantly between 2010 and 2013, he adds today more than 420 properties for 2.547 million pesos.

The first fund transfer maneuver corresponds to the images of the SGI financier, where we saw Martín Báez and other people from around the K business man, this which represented $ 5.1 million.

Then, between December 2012 and April 2013, $ 33 million added to Austral Construcciones legacy reintroduced into the country through a series of transactions with public debt securities. These were acquired in Switzerland and deposited by Bank J. Safra through the Helvetic Services Group. As a director of this company, the lawyer Jorge Chueco has endorsed at least nine checks in favor of Austral that have been filed by the company to Banco Nación.

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More evidence was added when Switzerland confirmed Clarin, 139 banking transactions for $ 20 million carried out by SGI and Marketing and Logistic Managment SA with the Swiss banks PKB Privatbank and J. Safra Bank, on which there would be badociated accounts "of the Báez family". Lazaro's four children were the final beneficiaries of the accounts.

For the money laundered amount, $ 60 million, a $ 600 million embargo was applied to each of those involved in the operations, the maximum penalty provided by the Money Laundering Act. In addition, the companies required for the washing operations were included: Austral Construcciones, Helvetic Service Group, SGI Financial, among others. Everyone faces a precautionary measure, also $ 600 million.


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