They denounce a father who wanted his daughters not to wear chinstrap at school | the Chronicle


A pandemic denial parent is studied by five crimes After the Malaga Prosecutor’s Office, Spain acted after complaint lodged by the education delegation of the Junta de Andalucía for allegedly insult and slander the director of his daughters’ institute.

Man is under investigation by justice after calling “Useless” to the branch advisor, Javier Imbroda, do a “abusive use of parental authority”, data protection breach and a crime of “abuse of rights”. The investigations are the legal consequence of a media case that began when the father allegedly exposed on social networks images, conversations and data from teachers and inspectors educational after his two daughters will refuse to wear the mask during recess he considered a “muzzle”. In addition, he criticized harsh role of security forces in his work of control of the various restrictions adopted by administrations.

In a letter signed on March 15 by the Attorney General of Malaga, Juan Carlos Lopez Caballero, it is reported that “to proceed to initiate criminal investigation proceedings in case the facts described constitute crimes “, as recorded “The confidential”.

The complaint was lodged by the education delegation against AM on March 3, after the parent allegedly disclosed data, photographs and tapes of the director and education inspectors, as well as images in which other students appeared. The ‘Bell’ was preceded by several posts on his Facebook profile in which he spoke “toll “, he called the mask “muzzle” and severely criticized the role of security forces in his work of control of the various restrictions adopted by administrations.

But it was on February 9 that the now-interviewed published a four-minute video – recorded in part by his own daughters inside the school – accused the manager of being “binding for four months” that of minors and “ipreventing their formative development “.

“He lied” with the objective of “To expel them without showing any damage to health, and above all, he does so with the arrogance characteristic of those who believe themselves to be untouchable because they are civil servants. underlined in a publication in which made public personal data such as the teacher’s name and image.

AM also criticized the fact that the Education Inspectorate and the education delegate –Mercedes Garcia Paine– “they didn’t want to intervene “, and condemned that he had not been transferred “the final communication of the expulsion – of his daughters – nor wait for the response to the allegations” present.

“We suffer every day from dictatorship in schools”, he assured, to then reproach the director that “You cannot prove that not wearing a ‘muzzle’ is a health threat“Previously, he pointed out that girls only took off their masks during recess, “in the open air and keeping a safe distance”.

These events took place at the Ben Al Jatib IES in the Malaga municipality of Rincón de la Victoria and had extensive media coverage, which was followed by concentrations of support for the educational community. About a month later, the announced judicial inquiry began its course.


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