They denounce having deceived the Spanish Parliament so that Alberto Fernández "campaign"


Alberto Fernández's six-day tour of Spain ended in heated controversy in Madrid: parliamentarians who took part in the Argentine candidate's closing speech denounced the fact that they were caught in the act with a hoax and that everything stays orchestrated by the left party We can give a good frame to the old K.

As the newspaper published The world From Spain, the Conservative People's Party (PP) and citizens said that they felt "cheated" by United We – the bloc that includes the left-wing party led by Pablo Iglesias and invited Fernández – because they hid the act that was planned when they asked the Constitutional Chamber of the Congress of Deputies.

The publication emphasizes that during the presentation of the Argentine candidate, there had been songs, cheers and banners and pointed out as "an abnormal situation" that a "candidate is campaigning in a parliament a month and a half after the elections," said the agency. N / A.

What the PP and the citizens denounce is that the first vice-president of the Congress, Gloria Elizo, of Podemos, asked the Constitutional Chamber to "celebrate a day on the new economic horizons in Latin America and in Europe ", without however specifying that it would be used to receive the Argentine candidate.

The article stated that "the surprise for members of Congress was to verify that the representative of this badembly at the indicated time was Fernandez with a court of supporters who shot him with songs and songs. banners ".

There were posters and cantitos of proselytism in the Spanish parliament. (Photo: EFE)
There were posters and cantitos of proselytism in the Spanish parliament. (Photo: EFE)

"The other parties are very uncomfortable because they feel cheated.PP and the citizens have announced that they would file a formal complaint to prevent that". such a situation does not happen again, "Mr. Mundo anticipated.

Asked by the Spanish newspaper, spokesman for the citizens' party, they complained about the situation: "The invitation was not sent by the usual channels, nor was it registered with the order of the day and the groups did not know the presence of Fernández. "

Meanwhile, the PP, the group headed by Cayetana Álvarez de Toledo, is studying with his lawyers the "most resounding formula" to express their complaint so that "measures are taken against Podemos and that no one ever rebadembles an act. " campaign in Congress, "according to the newspaper.


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