They denounce that a trout shepherd kidnapped an autistic boy to receive his pension | the Chronicle


In the Buenos Aires, city of Campana, a woman denounces that a pastor “trucho“he kidnapped his son with disability to receive your pension.I am desperate, I want to get my son back “, He said Stella in dialogue with Chronicle HD.

According to the complainant, her autistic son lived with his father, with whom they shared custody. However, on April 3, her ex-husband died of coronavirus. Following this, the boy was left in charge of his paternal family, it prevents you from seeing it.

From the story of the woman they got it “kidnapped“, at the address where a evangelical church, “trout”.

In this line, Stella explained that “they want to have their autistic child” in order to “receive your disability pension“. In addition, he pointed out that as a country where they have thethe church is not theirs ” because they usurped it, suppose that because of the boy’s disability “they will not take them out“.

Additionally, the woman accused the boy’s grandfather of being a “false shepherd” Whatyou are armado. He also claimed to have scammed other people in Uruguay and that neighbors are threatened.

I lost the pregnancy because they beat me, I don’t want to lose this second child with autism “, sobbed the woman, who said she never had a good relationship with her ex-husband’s family, since they told her that “God punished them with an autistic son“.

They denounce that the pastor “trucho” abducted a disabled child to receive his pension


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