They denounce that six judicial officials were infected with tuberculosis in Comodoro Py – 04/07/2018


The Magistrates' Guild has denounced that at least six civilian employees working in the Courts of Comodoro Py have been infectious to tuberculosis. According to them, they were infected after being transferred to the Retiro building to declare sick prisoners .

According to a statement issued by the Union of Judicial Employees of the Nation (UEJN), a Comodoro Py worker stated that he contracted tuberculosis in mid-March during a statement . Two days later, a second case was reported to Trial Court No. 30.

"L & # 39; workers' story is clear: they stayed there for four hours locked up with a patient who, at the time of making his statement of investigation said that he had tuberculosis and that four people have the big problem is that there is no crime in the House protocol that does not guarantee the health of either inmates or officials who should be in contact with them and that the only answer from the House was to "disinfect" the office and continue the work as if nothing They are so worried in the House that the union had to request that the contagion part be included in the files employees because it was omitted to do so, "says the municado [1965] 9002] The guild led by Julio Piumatto questioned the performance of the House of Crime because, he says, "he committed a series of errors that he is now trying to cover desperately ". They criticize the lapse of time that elapsed between the first and the second contagion and say that "the authorities did not even proceed to the disinfection of the court and even decided to believe the theory of some stale official who claimed that the illness He had been contracted into a collective. "And he continues:" Equally disturbing are the two days that elapsed between the denunciation of the second (…) and that the Chamber has decided to ask the Supreme Court of Justice of the Nation to decree the employees can not be in contact with the virus. "

Sources of the Federal Penitentiary Service (SPF) denied that the contagion of judicial officials had something to do with the statement of investigation that took two detainees. "If you were infected by 6 people in court, who are in front of a 20 or 30 minute intern, how will you not get a prison officer who takes care of you for 12 hours of service or custody at the office?" Inside the phone? or 7 hours return to the courts? They asked.

Although the UEJN press release speaks of "virus," tuberculosis is actually caused by bacteria. The disease, which is often confused with ill-treated bronchitis or the flu, is generated by Koch's bacillus when it is released by coughing, sneezing or laughing through saliva, [19659009] In 2016, 55 people died per month for tuberculosis in Argentina ” src=”” data-big=”” data-small=”” observer=”” data-observer-function=”loadLazyImg”/>

In Argentina, each year 11,000 new cases of tuberculosis According to a report released late last year by World Health Organization (WHO). While in the world the incidence rate decreases by 2% per year, here it remains stable. Every year, the disease kills 55 people. Nearly 50% of tuberculosis cases reported in Argentina are reported in the capital and province of Buenos Aires.

According to another WHO report, people held in prisons are much more exposed to tuberculosis as well as other communicable diseases such as HIV, syphilis and hepatitis B and C. "Faced with a rate of the general population of the country of 20 per 100,000 people, in units of SPF an incidence of 29.6 per 100,000 was detected," says the study.

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