They denounce that the Mapuche have taken a disused hotel in Villa Mascardi


In the building, they plan to open a training center for park rangers Source: Archive

The Mapuche Conflict
in Villa Mascardi has added a new chapter in the last few days, after the local branch of National Parks denounced the alleged spoofing of a building in which the entity has planned to go. open a training center for park rangers.

the complaint filed by Damián Mujica, mayor of Nahuel Huapi National Park, a group of people burst into the old hotel IOS, which has not worked for several years and is close to a directed occupation by the Mapuche Lof Lafken Winkul Mapu community.

The building is located in a forest area, about 35 kilometers from the center of Bariloche and a few meters from the place
where Rafael Nahuel was badbadinated, in November 2017, during an operation of the Prefecture. This land is the one taken by the community since then.

The judicial memory, which the nation has accepted, was presented last Wednesday before the federal prosecutor of Bariloche, responsible for Sylvia Little, and tells a series of In recent days, people have been seen in the interior of the building, as well as badaults from the neighboring colony, so that security forces and national park authorities badume that the ex-hotel is also run by the Mapuche community. radicalized after the death of the 22-year-old.


The complaint is based on a memorial by Park Warden Germán Hernández, after receiving reports of strange movements in the area, observed by provincial police officers during their regular visits to the area. Suspicions arose on July 1st. "Police personnel [.] observe traces of people in the housing, demonstrating the entrance to the illegally occupied area in the building belonging to the National Parks Administration," says the report, which refers to "illegal activities" on the premises. 19659006] The six-point document also indicates that lights were seen inside the building and that on the 10th of this month "at least two broken windows appeared from the windows of the upper floor", besides the fact that the mast of the building was destroyed. the access door opened with a padlock and a chain that interrupted the free pbadage

Meanwhile, after the appearance of traces and broken glbad, witnesses also saw animals to roam freely across the land and Highway 40, It borders the place. "According to the comments of the neighbors, they can come from people installed at" the toma ", said park guard Hernández in his presentation.

Finally, the report states that the same day that the complaint was filed, the authorities spotted the people inside the old hotel and that these individuals attacked with stones the members of the provincial police, who also received insults from the premises taken. On the same day, four people were seen "standing on the shoulder at the beginning of the road vehicles, face covered with ski masks and provocative attitude."

According to the lawyer who filed the complaint, Martín Paterlini, the building could be framed in Article 181 of the Penal Code, which provides for a sentence of six months to three years imprisonment for those who 'through violence, threats , deception, breach of trust or clandestinity deprive a third party, totally or partially, real property or the exercise of a real right constituted on it, that the dispossession takes place invading the property, staying there or expelling the occupants ".

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