They denounce the ex-lawyers of the macrista CRF: from the persecution of CFK to the defense of a drug lord


Deputy Rodolfo Tailhade criminally denounced four former heads of the Financial Information Unit (CRF) macrista for having assumed the defense of relatives of a drug trafficker, after leaving the government. That is, they appear a few months apart one side and the other of the counter, “Defend conflicting interests, and this to the manifest detriment of the interests of the national state ”.

The defendants were members of the Directorate of Criminal Litigation during the macrismo and until January 2020 for which Tailhade considered that by taking legal representation of relatives of Javier “El rengo” Pacheco in a drug case “violate the most basic laws of public, professional and moral ethics “ and “constitute a obvious damage to the national state not only for the violation of the duties implied by the public service, but also for the incorrect use means acquired through it and used for their benefit ”.

The Financial Information Unit not only trained them, but also opened up their most valuable assets: access to sensitive information both nationally and internationally. It can’t be just a scandal these professionals have criminal liability “Tailhade argued.

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The defendants were lawyers Agustín Biancardi, Martín Olari Ugrotte, Facundo Orazi and Gonzalo Romero. Biancardi was the head of the Criminal Litigation Departments and as published by this medium in October 2019, it played an important role in the judicial persecution of opponents.

Is that The CRF was one of Lawfare’s execution weapons during the government of Mauricio Macri, something that was highlighted in Tailhade’s recent presentation.

For example, In the complaint, it was detailed that the team of professionals denounced prosecutions in 17 criminal cases that had accused Cristina Fernández de Kirchner “Promote and demand in many cases inconclusive evidence that the only thing they found themselves in was clear media operations against the vice president.”

From the pursuit of the CFK to the defense of a narco

“A few months apart, the same people are on one side of the counter and the other, defending opposing interests, and this is clearly detrimental to the interests of the national state,” Tailhade said in his complaint. According to the deputy, “the freedom to work guaranteed by our national constitution cannot be ignored, but at this point it is worth asking whether it is legally admissible for lawyers who have sponsored the anti-money laundering organization. ‘money to stand on the other side of the desk and stand up for drug dealers and money launderers. “

Martín Olari joined the FIU in March 2010 and “specialized in the investigation of the crime of money laundering, in particular in the analysis of suspicious transactions received by the FIU”. In 2013, Gonzalo Romero joined this litigation group. Two years later, Facundo Orazi entered. The latest to enter the unit was Agustín Biancardi, who took office in 2016 with the arrival of Macri. He was Director of Legal Affairs and later, when the internal structure of the body was changed, Director of Criminal Litigation. From there, the complaints that the organization wanted to participate in were activated in the FIU.

After Macri left the government, the accused lawyers resigned from the FIU and formed the law firm Orazi, Biancardi & Olari Ugrotte Abogados y Consultores. “Biancardi and Olari now defend Pacheco and part of his family environment in a case in which various facts constituting drug trafficking and money laundering are under investigation “, it was indicated in the court presentation that it echoed the journalistic publications of Page12 and Clarin.

“According to journalistic information, those close to Pachecho are those defended by Biancardi and Olari, who have undoubtedly acquired the necessary experience to work on these files during their time at the FIU. And not just that, the news reports that Biancardi and Olari propose to their defendants to take advantage of the figure of the “repentant” when it is precisely this instrument which has been abused in the cases against the vice-president of the nation., while they were acting on behalf of the FIU, ”Tailhade added.

Among the different test measurements you have requested, the national legislator demanded that an investigation be carried out “if the FIU received a suspicious transaction report concerning the defendants in the aforementioned criminal case – not only those defended by Biancardi and Olari – while these lawyers were in office, or if the agency has provided a collaboration in the cause of Pacheco ”.

“The way in which the FIU investigates and prosecutes the crime of money laundering is well known to these lawyers that I have come to denounce, and this expertise is used today to defend and advise these criminals that the Argentinian justice persecutes”, criticized national justice. assistant.

The complaint was attributed to Federal Judge Ariel Lijo.

The “K causes”

In a passage from the complaint, Tailhade recalled that the “four lawyers as well as the highest authorities of the FIU Mariano Federici and María Eugenia Talerico have devoted themselves to the persecution of political opponents”.

“More specifically, this department of criminal litigation has focused entirely on cases commonly known as ‘K cases’, focused on the criminal prosecution of the current Vice-President Cristina Fernández de Kirchner. That is to say a national directorate, made up of about fifteen criminal lawyers (including those denounced here) who worked daily on the follow-up of criminal cases, most of which were initiated by the mechanism known as Lawfare, guided by Biancardi in as a director. , Romero as coordinator with his assistants Olari and Orazi ”, added the complainant.

According to the reconstruction carried out by the deputy, the FIU “pursued in 17 criminal cases which had the current vice president of the nation as accused. These 17 complaints were in which these professionals were much more than actively involved, promoting and in many cases asking for inconclusive evidence that the only thing they ended up with was clear media operations against the vice president ”. “These same four lawyers are the ones who put together each of the criminal cases known as the K cases and who have given so much to the media,” he concluded.

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