They denounce the fact that the police burned the first trucks for help – Telam


The first three trucks that left Colombia to transport humanitarian aid cargo to Ureña, in the state of Táchira, Venezuela, were set on fire by the Bolivarian National Police (PNB).

One of the trucks cremated by buses on Maduro's orders. He prefers to destroy the foods and medicines that nourish and cure the diseases of his people.

Marta Luca Ramrez (@mluciaramirez) February 23, 2019

A journalist from the Caracas newspaper, El Nacional, said that Caracas had confirmed that the vehicles driving the caravan, with its load of medical equipment and food, were completely cremated.

PNB agents prevented the entry of trucks and people into the town of Tachiren with tear gas and pellets, which left at least six people injured. The crackdown also took place on the Simón Bolívar international bridge, where about 15 people were injured.


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