They denounce the lack of fuel in different parts of the country


Although the prices of gasoline and diesel in the country are free, as the Ministry of Energy badures, in recent weeks, various service stations have reported problems in buying fuel . oil companies Does YPF, owner of 55% of the market, do not want to increase their values, the rest prefers to moderate its sales because, according to them, current profitability is not high.

In this context, there are several service stations that can not acquire fuel because of the refusal of the oil companies to sell and the most affected are the independents .

"When the dollar rose, the oil companies stopped selling to distributors, and the one that grew by 5%, that is, what they have at their disposal, the sells very expensive. I have empty fuel hoses "he told Hector Mucci, owner of independent service stations. "They also tell us that the boat is not coming, it's an apology," he added.

Last week, the Minister of Energy, Javier Iguacel, held a meeting with representatives of the distribution sector grouped within the Confederation of Hydrocarbons and Related Business Entities (CECHA), a meeting dedicated to the shortage of fuels that go through the "white" service stations, as those who do not have a brand know. " Let me think about what I will do ," replied the official to the industry's complaints.

  Iguacel met with industry representatives who expressed concern about the lack of fuel.
Iguacel met with industry representatives who expressed concerns about the lack of fuel.

A report that this agency prepares Iguacel points out that there are 80 outlets with problems only in the province of Córdoba. Most are white or oily, although there are also cases of YPF and Axion.

The main signs of fuel shortages have been concentrated in the interior of the country, including Chaco, Corrientes, Santa Fe, Cordoba and Mendoza. Other provinces like Jujuy, Entre Ríos and Santiago del Estero also suffer, to a lesser extent, from the situation. Strictly speaking, diesel is the fuel with the greatest shortages during the seasons.

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