They denounced the mayor of Cologne for sexual harassment | Chronic


The Mayor of Cologne, Carlos MoreiraHe was implicated in an alleged case of sexual harassment this Friday, a week after the general elections in Uruguay.

The local newspaper The country He published this Friday an information according to which Moreira, of the National Party (PN), was the author of messages that asked a woman to have sex in exchange for the renewal of her work.

In one of the recordings, a woman asks Moreira to renew her internship, but Moreira refuses and then declares: "Unless you come to convince me personally."

Then, they agree to meet in the evening and, in a second audio recording, the Mayor of Colonia explains his intention to "to have sex" With the woman.

After the outbreak of the scandal, the branch of the Socialist Party (PS) in Cologne asked by a statement to the "immediate resignation" from Moreira and held that "The seriousness of the facts forces the mayor to withdraw."

Moreira broke the silence and tried to defend herself

For its part, Moreira spoke Friday of the scandal and said: "This audio, I do not know when it was recorded.It probably dates from months ago and is released a month after the elections, with a clear political purpose.No, why am I going to resign? Renounce the intention or speak. "

He assured that his order could not be considered "abuse" because he kept one "sentimental relationship" with the woman who had the conversation that was indicated, she is a counselor in her district. "Here, which has never been a kind of harassment because I have never practiced it in my life," he confirmed.

In the end, he said that "It hurts deeply" the decision of the National Party authorities to dismiss him and complain of never contacting him to hear his "Clarifications" before taking this step.


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