They desperately try to flee the Taliban regime, get on planes and fall from the air


Thousands of people desperate to leave Afghanistan sparked chaos at Kabul airport, trying to board repatriation flights on the first day of the country under Taliban control, where it was also reported that they could register dead.

The death toll is still unclear. Some reports referred to three deaths from the shootings, while other media claimed the incidents had left a death toll of five, most of them maybe run over by the crowd.

The tide of people started arriving from Sunday evening at Hamid Karzai International Airport in the Afghan capital with many of them without even travel or visa documents, leaving haunting images after the Taliban entered the city, culminating in their final victory after two decades of war.

Most of them are ordinary people who have approached the airport with the idea that the United States, which is evacuating its personnel in the country, will help the Afghans.

So far, neither Afghan security forces nor Taliban fighters have assumed security at the airport.

The crowd left dozens of people beatens, among them boys, who throw envelopes to get to the runway, where some planes remain scheduled for a limited evacuation of foreigners.

At the moment, everything flights from Hamid Karzai International Airport are temporarily suspended, as reported in a statement from the Afghan Civil Aviation Authority.

“Stay away from the airport until flights resume,” he added.

Images posted on social media show hundreds of people pushing and climb others to get on a plane, and in others, gunshots are even heard nearby.

In a video broadcast by local channel Tolo on Twitter, they see three bodies on the ground, and the message that they are “allegedly the victims of gunfire at Kabul International Airport this morning”, without further confirmation, although it is also speculated that they could be killed in a stampede.

On the morning of Monday, the US State Department announced that it had “completed” the process of transportation to the airport of approximately 4000 employees from its embassy in Kabul.

Likewise, the American Embassy reiterated its alert to people awaiting repatriation, not to approach the airport due to the fragile security of the area, and that be careful in place until further notice.

The State Department said in a statement that it was working to secure Hamid Karzai International Airport and allow the safe exit of U.S. personnel and its allies by civilian and military flights.

“Over the next 48 hours, we will have expanded our security presence to nearly 6,000 troops, with a mission focused solely on facilitating these efforts and taking control of air traffic,” he said.

A group of 70 countries from all continents, including Spain, France and Germany, on Monday urged “those in positions of authority throughout Afghanistan” to allow the country’s citizens and internationals to leave the Asian country.

With information from the EFE



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