They despise the Paraguayan chief of staff for his neg …


Paraguay’s chief of staff, Juan Ernesto Villamayor, was shot dead while dining at a luxury restaurant in Asunción. The event turned from insults to blows and forced Villamayor and his companions to leave the scene. The Paraguayan official is in the crosshairs after the Washington post reveal that in 2019 he met an envoy of the self-proclaimed Venezuelan President Juan Guaidó to meet the debt of the local oil company with the Venezuelan PDVSA. The “arrangement” between the two parties provided that Sebastián Vidal, lawyer for the family of President Mario Abdo Benítez, would receive in commission around 26 million dollars.

Videos that have gone viral on social media show a group of people who approach the table where Villamayor dined with three other people and they start scolding him for going to shout “Bandido”, “Badulaque” and “Thief of shit”. One of the men, who local media identified as a cattle breeder, punched him in the chest, to which the chief of the civilian cabinet responded similarly.

In statements to the local newspaper ABC color, Villamayor described what happened as “a miserable act of aggression” and added that “violence cannot replace dialogue in a civilized system”. The Paraguayan chief of staff assured that he is studying to initiate legal proceedings.

January 4, Washington post had revealed suspicious negotiations of Venezuelan opponent Juan Guaidó with the Paraguayan government to make the payment of Petropar’s debt to the Venezuelan state PDVSA. Villamayor has been strongly criticized by public opinion for the lack of transparency with which the issue has been handled.

Abdo Benítez official He explained at the time that the meeting with Javier Troconis, the collaborator of Guaidó, was “exploratory” and faced with an agreement on the debt of Petropar, close to 300 million dollars. For this meeting, the chief of staff submitted to the vote of no confidence in the Chamber of Deputies at the beginning of this month, from which he was saved with 52 votes for, 19 against and 9 absent.


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