They detained Venezuelan opposition leader Leopoldo López at Lima airport


The Venezuelan opponent participated in the inauguration ceremonies of Guillermo Lasso in Ecuador and continued his tour in Peru.  However, he still couldn't enter
The Venezuelan opponent participated in the inauguration ceremonies of Guillermo Lasso in Ecuador and continued his tour in Peru. However, he still couldn’t enter

“Migration prevents me from entering Peru. Freedom of expression and respect for our rights are violated. Coincidentally when he came to talk about the experience of authoritarianism in Venezuela, ”Leopolo López denounced on his Twitter account.

The Venezuelan opponent participated in the Guillermo Lasso takeover ceremonies in Ecuador and continued his tour in Peru participate in a democracy forum held in Lima. However, it was delayed this Saturday as soon as entry procedures began at Jorge Chávez International Airport.

Leopolo López denounced he had problems entering Peru

According to Peruvian Foreign Ministry sources, the opposition leader and his wife, activist Lilian Tintori, arrive without the visa required of all Venezuelans, so they were initially refused entry. . Finally, Sagasti’s government issued him a safe-conduct so he could enter.

López and Tintori finally managed to enter Peru
López and Tintori finally managed to enter Peru

“Thanks to popular pressure. In support of the Peruvian democrats, to all those who believe in freedom and democracy, we were able to enter Peru “, López posted on Twitter. His post is accompanied by two photos in which he is seen with his wife leaving the airport through one of the gates in the international arrivals area.

As the national coordinator of the political party Voluntad Popular, an opposition group to Maduro’s regime, López traveled to Peru and will recount his experience of authoritarianism and the dictatorship from which he had to flee, through a discussion.

López left his country illegally at the end of October, across the border with Colombia, after spending 18 months at the residence of the Spanish Ambassador in Caracas, where he was invited when requested by local justice and accused of being. a terrorist by the Chavist executive. Before taking refuge in the Spanish embassy and fleeing Venezuela, López had been serving a sentence in a military prison in Caracas since September 2015 after being accused of being responsible for the riots that occurred at the end of an anti-government march in 2014, in which three died.

Before taking refuge in the Spanish embassy and fleeing Venezuela, López had been serving a sentence in a military prison in Caracas since September 2015 after being accused of being responsible for the riots that took place after an anti-government march. in 2014.

The Chavist dictatorship blamed him for the three deaths and 66 wounded left by these demonstrations. That day, thousands of students, along with López and other opposition leaders, marched against insecurity, inflation, product shortages and the detention of university students.

The regime claimed that the violence was the result of “infiltrated far-right groups“In the demonstrations to provoke”a coup»In Venezuela, the country with the largest oil reserves in the world. Before being arrested, López played in a great mobilization towards the public prosecutor. Nicolás Maduro’s regime arrested him on the spot, in front of media cameras around the world.

The chaos arrives from López in Peru contrasts with the support received in Ecuador, where new president Guillermo Lasso has stressed the importance of the Venezuelan leader. “I had the opportunity to dialogue with @leopoldolopez and @liliantintori, great Venezuelan leaders committed to freedom and democracy in the region. I appreciate your visit, Ecuador will always have its doors open, ”said the Ecuadorian of the activists’ wedding a few days ago.


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