They develop a splint that prevents sleep apnea and annoying snoring


In the Department of Mechanical Engineering of the University of Malaga ( UMA ), his researchers designed and managed a device manufactured in 3D printers customized for each jaw so eliminate snoring and sleep apnea; Remember that sleep apnea is the interruption of breathing normally during sleep. In this sense, this splint generates the ability to open the mouth while sleeping and without affecting its main functions.

This is a project that was studied by the UMA ] in partnership with Ortoplus an orthodontic society. It is suspected that its official presentation will take place at the end of 2018, after all the clinical trials to which this innovative device was submitted in Madrid and Barcelona.

How does this device prevent sleep apnea and snoring sleep?

Well, it's a splint developed to maintain, during sleep, the mouth in a better position, which prevents the loosening of the muscle that causes snoring. This was declared by Juan Antonio Cabrera a leading researcher who worked for three years on this device.

Today, we know a mask that has a similar operation to the splint that is managed, and works by pumping air under pressure to obtain the same effect, but its disadvantage is that it is not adjusted for each jaw . Therefore, the device designed in Malaga constitutes an excellent breakthrough and even more so because it is manufactured in 3D printing with materials that do not degrade the environment where they are placed.

part, in terms of design, it is necessary to perform an X-ray and in turn, a measurement of the maximum amplitude of each jaw in particular, in order to establish the percentage of pbadage authorized air; eliminating in this way, snoring and apnea completely in the future, will have serious consequences for the person.

In this regard, the researcher Bataller explains that the splint adheres two cams profile adapted to each patient, ensuring the mobility of the jaw with complete normalcy and without any deterioration future [VIDEO]. splint

As mentioned above, the splint is manufactured in 3D printing, which makes it possible to reproduce it with the utmost precision in terms of the dimensions of each jaw ; since the jaw of each patient is completely different. Thus, it is considered a technology [VIDEO] through which a exact copy is obtained, and this responds more optimally to the needs of the patient.

On the other hand, with the 3D Printing manufacturers will make the most of the raw material, without wasting it and without stopping the reproduction of the splints.

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  • 2018/07/12 / news / 1531388540_117196.html

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