They dig up while listening to supposed cries in the grave


Colombia, they unearth, they unearth a man, they heard screams, they exuded, corpses, miracles, resurrected,


In the Colombian locality, a man he was earthen, nine days after his the deathafter listening cry which is supposed to come from the bottom of the tomb.

"It's a miracle, a miracle of Holy Week!", shouted the crowd gathered Tuesday night in front of the health center of the Colombian city of Llorente (municipality of Tumaco) to attend the resurrection from a local resident who had been buried nine days, informs the web portal of RT.

The corpse of the man was earthen and transferred to a medical center after being heard Noises in his crypt.

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Fidel Pantoja, 50, died of health problems on April 7. According to several relatives of the deceased, the family of PaNtoja was destroyed by his death, to the point that the wife of the deceased had a nervous breakdown and had to receive medical help.

"I will wait until it happens because it will happen," remembers Ivan, one of Pantoja's ten children. According to the young man, the distressed widow thought that her partner was still alive and wanted him back. Tuesday night, his wish became reality.

Screaming in the vault

That day, some people were visiting graveyardwhen, suddenly, they heard what appeared to be cries coming from the chapel where Pantoja was buried, according to police sources quoted by the newspaper.

The body was immediately transferred to the Llorente health center, where doctors confirmed the absence of vital signs. However, the witnesses insisted that the body be examined again in another hospital. So they took him to the nearby town of Chilví, where they also did not detect him. vital signs.

"We did not know anything about my father's resurrection, they called us around seven in the evening, we could not see him, we did not know where he was taken, they informed us today that my father was death, that there was nothing to do, "Ivan explained.

However, witnesses to this incident drew attention to the fact that the body was not in a state of decomposition, the authorities have therefore decided to conduct a autopsy to make sure that this is not a case of catalepsy.


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