They disclosed a photo of an alleged meeting between an American fighter and a UFO


The 2018 photo of the mysterious UFO on the east coast of the United States.  (Photo: courtesy The Debrief).

The photo of the mysterious UFO taken in 2018 on the east coast of the USA. (Photo: courtesy The Debrief).

The American site The feedback disclosed a photo and Pentagon reports on encounters with unidentified flying objects (UFO) for the past two years.

The portal, which claims to have obtained the information from numerous military and intelligence sources, revealed an email exchange on October 16, 2019 between the former deputy chief of naval operations, Admiral Robert Burke, and the chief of state- Deputy Major of the Force. US Air Force Stephen Wilson, who mentioned a “Unidentified aerial phenomenon”.

“I recommend that you take the report I just received from our director of naval intelligence, Vice Admiral Matt Kohler, on the unidentified aerial phenomenon,” Burke wrote to Wilson, according to what was released.

He added that “SECNAV will receive the same report” the next day, possibly referring to then Secretary of the Navy Richard Spencer.

The email sent by former Deputy Chief of Naval Operations Admiral Robert Burke to Deputy Chief of Staff of the US Air Force Stephen Wilson.  (Photo: courtesy The Debrief).
The email sent by former Deputy Chief of Naval Operations Admiral Robert Burke to Deputy Chief of Staff of the US Air Force Stephen Wilson. (Photo: courtesy The Debrief).

One of the reports in question was reportedly made in 2018 and contains the description of an image that allegedly shows “an unidentified aerial phenomenon”.

The photograph, which he also published The feedback, was taken in 2018 off the east coast of the United States by a pilot of an F / A-18 Hornet fighter with his cell phone in selfie mode. The picture shows a “Unidentified silver object” cube-shaped “” motionless that “floated” above the ocean when spotted.

Officials claimed that the mystery body was at an altitude of between 9.1 and 10.6 kilometers and a distance of 300 meters from the plane.

“For decades (in the US intelligence community) I have never seen anything like this,” said an intelligence official. On the other hand, they also indicated the existence of a “list” of possible explanations on the origin of the object, which they envisaged starting from the possibility that it is at the same time of ‘foreign’ and ‘human’ technology.

The photo of the mysterious object photographed in 2018 on the east coast of the USA.  (Photo: courtesy The Debrief).
The photo of the mysterious object photographed in 2018 on the east coast of the USA. (Photo: courtesy The Debrief).

According to The feedback, the object, which is shaped like an inverted bell, looks like a GPS atmospheric probe, like the ones meteorological institutes use for climate studies, although the probe is not visible in the photo under the parachute.

Another version simply points out that it was a balloon. However, two people in the defense area told The Debrief that the pilots ensured the object was stationary and was unaffected by drafts.

The mysterious object "floated", assured the pilot of the F / A-18.  (Photo: courtesy The Debrief).
The mysterious object “floated”, assured the pilot of the F / A-18. (Photo: courtesy The Debrief).

Asked about this, Pentagon spokeswoman Susan Gough said the US Department of Defense does not publicly discuss details of its reports to “keep operations safe.”

The Pentagon confirmed on August 14 the creation of a working group to study unidentified flying objects. Its mission will be to “detect, analyze and catalog” UFOs which “could represent a potential threat to American national security”.


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