They discover a secret code hidden on the White House website


Joe Biden’s presidency began with a Particular “advice” to recruit technology experts, in computer security and hackers.

The recently updated White House website includes an invitation for specialists smart enough to find it.

Hidden in the HTML code of is a message to join the United States Digital Service, a technology unit within the White House.

“If you are reading this, we need your help to rebuild better”says the text. A Twitter user, who defines himself as a hacker, shared it on the social network. “It looks like the new has a hidden message for programmers,” he wrote.

Former President Barack Obama launched the service in 2014 to hire technologists that help reorganize government services, such as modernizing the Medicare payment system or reforming hiring practices in all government agencies. Tech specialists join the digital service for one to two years.

What is certain is that it doesn’t take much to find the “secret message”: by pressing F12 on any website you access the code of the page and there, without too much effort, you can find texts like the one published by the new Biden administration.

The Biden era on Twitter

Joe Biden and Kamala Harris started their run on Twitter with no followers. This is not a bug in the system but a official profiles on the social network, @POTUS (President of the United States / President of the United States) and the shortest @VP for your running mate.

These institutional accounts do not belong to any particular person, but rather are reserved for the official use of those who are in turn in government. Twitter transferred them when they officially took office on Wednesday, but without the majority of followers.

This time it was different from the previous transition on Twitter, when President Barack Obama’s official accounts were turned over to President Donald Trump with supporters intact. Now, accounts will lose tens of millions of subscribers due to this Twitter implementation.

People removed from these accounts, as well as those following “ relevant Biden and Harris accounts ” like (@KamalaHarris), will receive notifications that they can follow them.

Biden Account @PresElectBiden has become @POTUS once Biden is sworn in as President of the United States. “My friends, this will be the account of my official duties as president,” he said in his new profile. He also recommended other official profiles of his leadership.

The other surprise came with the accounts of Harris and her husband, Douglas Emhoff. From @VP Kamala claims to be, in addition to the vice president, “Momala”, “aunt” and “a fighter for the people”. What is momala? A more loving way to say stepmom, stepmother in English, invented by your partner’s children.

VP, Kamala Harris’ new Twitter account. (Photo: Twitter / VP).


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