They discover a small tomb of an Egyptian nobleman with incredible treasures


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The tourist and antiquities police had arrested criminals who carried out illegal searches near this pit, which is in good condition.

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Once the investigations were completed, the Ministry of Antiquities ordered Mostafa Waziri from that country to conduct an archaeological scientific mission led by the Secretary General of the Supreme Council of Antiquities to conduct excavations on the site.

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Waziri explained that the burial mound is "very small", but that "it is exceptionally painted beautiful scenes".

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In this tomb lie the remains of a noble named doggie and his wife, a music. He has two small cameras with both sarcophagi, which are in limestone, and a very well kept mom this has not yet been identified.

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In the enclosure has collection of animals and mummified birds ranging from hawks to eagles, cats, dogs and shrews.


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