They discover an impressive moth the size of a …


Pam Taylor, a woman from Brisbane, northeast of Australia, discovered a giant hand-sized butterfly perched on a tree branch. He shared a photo of his find from his Facebook account and it quickly went viral on social media.

The huge butterfly gray with black spots on the wings was found at Camp Mountain, a rural town in the state of Queensland. A member of the entomology group where Taylor posted his post said the specimen belonged to the family Cossidae, also known as “Night butterflies”.

Jackie Beer, one of the 23,000 members of the group, said: “They are known as Witchetty’s larvae, goat moths, carpenter’s moths, wood moths or borers.”

Another user agreed that this was a giant moth, whose scientific name is Endoxyla cinereus. This species of moth is commonly found in Australia, near coastal areas. From one wing to the other, they measure about 23 centimeters and are born in the plants of Eucalyptus.

The next morning, Taylor said she returned to see if the moth survived a storm that struck last night. To his surprise, he found that the butterfly had company. He shared new footage of two huge insects, which he said were presumed to mate.

“Fui a ver cómo estaba esta mañana para ver si sobrevivió a la tormenta de anoche … ¡definitivamente se mantuvo ocupado! ‘, Publicó.” Qué hermoso “, agregó otro.” Vaya, eso es épico “, commented un entusiasta de the insects.

The moths discovered by Taylor are usually gray in color and spotted in certain areas. “The giant moth is the most heavy of the world. Some females weigh 30 grams “, the museum reported Australian museum on their website.


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