They discover another new variant of the coronavirus in Gra …


Scientists United Kingdom they identified a new variant (B.1.525) of the coronavirus with potentially worrying mutations similar to those that have appeared in South Africa and Brazil. So far, the strain has been detected in the area by researchers at the University of Edinburgh in 33 samples from December. Its broadcast has also been recorded in other countries such as Denmark, Spain, Australia, Nigeria and the United States.

Although it is too early to determine the risk it presents, UK experts they study it carefully to determine whether or not it should fit into the list of “disturbing variants” wear the UK.

The B.1.525, noted Ravi Gupta, a professor at the University of Cambridge, who is one of the scientists advising the government on this issue, has “Significant mutations” already observed in some of the other variants new ones like Kent (also from the United Kingdom), which represents information “partly reassuring because one can predict what is its probable effect”, specifies the expert.

Among the mutations that have been detected in this new variant, however, there is one that is of particular concern to researchers, which is E484K – also present in strains from Brazil and South Africa -, which it can help the virus escape certain defenses of the immune system.

The fear, in this sense, is that the changes resulting from the new variants will not only make the virus easier to spread, but also elude the effectiveness of existing vaccines. This is why scientists are carrying out tests with formulas already applied in the world and in turn developing new technologies that take these mutations into account.

How far this (new) variant will spread is not yet known, but if successful, it can be assumed that immunity to previous vaccines or infections will be weakened.“warned Dr Simon Clarke, associate professor of cell microbiology at the University of Reading.” I think any variant that carries (the mutation) E484K should be tested as it appears to confer resistance to immunity, regardless of how it is generated, ”added the specialist.

Dr Lucy van Dorp, of the Institute of Genetics at University College London, said early detection of new variants is crucial in the course of the pandemic. “One of the main advantages of genomic surveillance is the early detection of lines of potential concern … to allow rapid assessment of their impact and prevalence in other regions of the world,” he noted.

Beyond the warnings of specialists, the Public health England held that “There is currently no evidence that this set of mutations causes more severe disease or increased transmissibility.” However, he said, “data on emerging variants are being watched very closely” and “public health interventions are underway, such as additional testing and improved contact tracing.”


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