They discover in Rome a luxurious palace of the Emperor C.


A team of Italian archaeologists discovered the remains of a luxurious palace, which contained a vast exotic garden and a collection of wild animals, which belonged to the third Roman emperor, Gaius Julius Caesar Augusto Germanico, also known as Caligula.

After three years of excavations, which took place under a 19th-century office building in central Rome, researchers discovered gardens with fountains and pavilions, the interior of which was covered with frescoes and intricate decorations in polychrome marble.

This has been detailed at The temperature Rome’s special supervisor for archeology, Daniela Porro, who said the central part, called Horti Laminani, was surrounded by walls with frescoes of maritime scenes. Among the objects retrieved from the site were jewelry, coins, animal bones and a metal brooch belonging to an Imperial Guard.

In addition, in the collection of animals of Caligula in this palace, there were ostriches, deer and even bears. “We found bones from a lion’s paw, a bear’s tooth, and ostrich and deer bones. One can imagine animals roaming free in this enchanted landscape. But also the wild animals which were used in the private circus of the emperor ”, explained Mirella Serlorenzi, civil servant at the Ministry of Heritage and Cultural Activities.

In addition, seeds of different plants were found which were imported from all over the empire. “The remains tell incredible stories, starting with the animals,” Serlorenzi said. According to experts, the palace was built by Lucio Aelio Lamia, a wealthy senator and consul who bequeathed his property to Caligula, who took it over in 37 AD. C., by becoming emperor.

The idea of ​​the ministry is to transform the place of discovery into a museum. For this, they work in collaboration with Enpam, a retreat institute for doctors, under the foundations of which the palace of Emperor Caligula was hidden.


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