They discovered 36 new species of flora and fauna in the Amazon | Chronic


At least 36 new species for the science of flora and fauna were discovered in the Colombian Amazon by a team of researchers from this country who documented their work in three departments of southern Colombia.

The BIO Apaporis 2018 expedition of Colombia delivered a study to the Scientific Research Institute of the Amazon (SINCHI) with 8,114 records, in which it identified 2,335 species of flora and fauna, of which 36 "new species are possible for science", according to the ANSA agency.

Of all the species recorded in the road, which included the departments of Vaupés, Guaviare, Caquetá and Amazonas, it was established that 18 were in the area. "threat category" d & # 39; extinction.

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In addition to the 63 others that have been declared as "endemic"because they only exist in this part of the world.

Experts identified 1,149 species of flora, 43 amphibians, 34 reptiles, 249 butterflies, 101 fish, 38 mammals, 250 arachnids, 41 bats, 23 myriapods and 273 birds.

"The Bio Apaporis 2018 expedition is one of 21 expeditions developed over the past three years in the country, with the aim of generating knowledge, identifying species and pbading them on to people and systems." Information where this type of data is consolidated "He explained Henry Alterio, director of Colombia Bio of Colciencias.

AT Marine Mantle, director of SINCHI, the expedition helped to expand the "The knowledge we have about biodiversity, a fundamental contribution to increase the inventory of fauna and flora, both in terrestrial and aquatic environments."

36 experts from local and international institutions participated in the tours: Eden Project (KEW Garden), BioCentro University Herbarium, New York Botanical Garden, Naturalis Institute, Missouri Botanical Garden, National Park Ulu Temburong and the University of Bonn.

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Indigenous peoples of the communities of Buenos Aires, as well as "Co-researchers."

SINCHI explained that the area in which the expedition had taken place, in the middle and upper basins of the Apaporis River, on the border with Brazil, was considered "Of vital importance to the world because it has a very good state of conservation".

"It is located in Guayanés shield, one of the oldest geological formations of the planet shared by Colombia, Venezuela, Brazil and the Guianas, whose contribution from the biological point of view is represented by endemic species of the flora and fauna that make it unique ", describes the Institute.


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