They discovered why Garfield phones have appeared on the French coast for three decades.


For more than 30 years, Garfield Cat shaped phones have appeared on Brittany beaches in western France. The badociation Ar Viltansoù, responsible for cleaning the coast of this region for 18 years, has recognized that since the beginning of its activities, she had found remains of these machines.

This Thursday, the mystery was solved because it was learned that a resident of the place in the 80s had discovered a container sunk near the coast, 30 meters deep.

"We have no idea what happened at the time, from the origin of the ship, we do not know if several containers fell into the water or only one, "explained Fabien Boileau, director of the Iroise Marine Nature Park, who participated in the event. from an expedition to arrive at the place of discovery, which they call the cave.

A particular piece of data

According to the badociation of container shippers around the world, it is only in 2017 that 1,390 containers fell into the sea.


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