They discovered why the helicopter crashed and the president of Leicester was dead – 06/12/2018


On October 27 this year, a few minutes after the 1-1 draw between Leicester and West Ham, the helicopter in which club president, Vichai Srivaddhanaprabha, and four other people traveled took off from the stadium's King's Lawn Power. But he flew over for a moment: the pilot lost control of his plane and the aircraft crashed into a parking lot used by the club's employees.

More than a month after the accident, during which all those who traveled by helicopter lost their lives, the cause was revealed. And Nor it was a human fault.

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According to a report published by the British Air Accident Investigation Division (AAIB), had been disconnected the mechanism that connects the cab pedals with the tail rotor.

As a result of this failure, the AW169 helicopter in which Srivaddhanaprabha and four other traveling companions traveled began to spin without control before crashing.

During an inspection of the place of the accident, the investigators they found some of the mechanism who had been disconnected and discovered that there was a "accumulation of black fat" in one of its components.

"The initial cause and the exact sequence of the failure that resulted in the loss of control of the tail rotor are the subject of a priority investigation," says the AAIB report.

The researchers provided the new information after a thorough examination the helicopter control system, although they warned that they would continue the investigation. During this period, AW169 helicopter components and similar models were also examined.

A video of the accident seems to show that sections of the tail propeller have become detached in mid-flight. Then this turned into an uncontrollable right turn that ended in the collapse of the aircraft.

Srivaddhanaprabha was a 58-year-old Thai tycoon and, according to Forbes, the fifth-richest man in Thailand, with a net worth of $ 4.9 trillion.

He came to Leicester in 2010 and acquired the club for a total of nearly $ 50 million after the league's first league climb.

In addition, he was the CEO of King Power, a company that operates various duty-free shops. In turn, King Power appears on the chest of the Leicester jersey and is the brand that gave its name to the stadium: King Power Stadium.

Source: agencies

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