They dismantled a factory of truchos Ferrari and Lamborghini: they put them with engine Chevrolet and sold them at 10%


After two months of investigation, the civilian police of Santa Catarina (Brazil) dismantled an underground car factory who produced trout replicas of Ferrari and Lamborghini to illegally sell them at 10% of the value of the original models.

Vehicles, built only on demand and marketed via social networks, they wore adulterated and mechanical parts of old cars. In one copy, at the time of arrest, they were installing a Chevrolet Omega engine.

According to the report of the local authorities, the eight replicas seized had been sold clandestinely by between 180 and 250 000 reais. The value of the Ferrari and Lamborghini of origin is between 1.5 and 3 million reais.

This clandestine company sold the cars at 10% of the value of the original models. Photo: SC of the civilian police.
This clandestine company sold the cars at 10% of the value of the original models. Photo: SC of the civilian police.

The investigation started after the complaint filed with the Santa Catarina police from the official representatives of Ferrari and Lamborghini, mark that all over the world "envoys" are responsible for discovering replicas of trout.

"The people involved in the clandestine factory are considered by the police as The main counterfeiters of brands in Brazil and they sell vehicles all over the country, "the local police confirmed via Instagram.

Santa Catarina's civilian police seized frames, molds and tools, among other items. "The owners of the place, father and son, will be prosecuted for crimes against industrial property"he warned.

See this post on Instagram

Date of illegal factory of luxury vehicles in Itajaí O SIC (Setor of Investigations Criminals) gives the first delegation of comarca of Itajaí apreendeu nesta second feira (15) various chbadis, molds, ferramentas and fibers used in the clandestine manufacture of luxury vehicles I do not know Itaipava. Carros bones, falsificaç marqueses marks das Ferrari and Lamborghini, were badembled by the agent e tinham venda, revealed by meio social networks. Click on the following link to obtain semi-paired replicas of Italian brands. Each replica was sold for between 180,000 and 250,000 reais. The original models are not sold on the market for values ​​between R $ 1.5 million and R $ 3 million. As inquiries, the delegate Angelo Fragelli, realized that representatives of their own brands would enter a civil policy of Santa Catarina. You are surrounded by a clandestine factory that is considered a police force, as counterfeit principalities of brands other than Brazil, and market vehicles for all countries or for all countries. Local Donos do, filho filho, will be charged with crimes against industrial property. #policiacivilsc #sic #itajai

A shared publication of the Santa Catarina Civil Police (@policiacivilsantacatarina) on

At the time of the raid, eight cars were in production. Photo: SC of the civilian police.
At the time of the raid, eight cars were in production. Photo: SC of the civilian police.
Ferrari and Lamborghini have employees around the world fighting against trout replicas. Photo: SC of the civilian police.
Ferrari and Lamborghini have employees around the world fighting against trout replicas. Photo: SC of the civilian police.
They were the main counterfeiters of Ferrari and Lamborghini in the neighboring country. Photo: SC of the civilian police.
They were the main counterfeiters of Ferrari and Lamborghini in the neighboring country. Photo: SC of the civilian police.
Armchairs for the Lamborghini. Photo: SC of the civilian police.
Armchairs for the Lamborghini. Photo: SC of the civilian police.
And for Ferrari ... Photo: Civil Police SC.
And for Ferrari … Photo: Civil Police SC.
The cars were sold on demand by social networks. Photo: SC of the civilian police.
The cars were sold on demand by social networks. Photo: SC of the civilian police.
They composed the emblems and logos of each brand. Photo: SC of the civilian police.
They composed the emblems and logos of each brand. Photo: SC of the civilian police.
The cars were put in old engines of vehicles. Photo: SC of the civilian police.
The cars were put in old engines of vehicles. Photo: SC of the civilian police.


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