They disturb the narco family who operated in a settlement in La Plata | Chronic


An organization dedicated to marijuana and cocaine narcotics has been disrupted in recent hours after multiple raids in a colony known as "The Palm", located in the city of San Carlos in La Plata.

It was a criminal organization with an intrafamilial structure dedicated to drug trafficking and which was still active, despite previous operations, in the district of Malvinas II, although some locals call it "La Palmera".

"The detainees, taking advantage of the neighborhood's vulnerability and dependence, recruited them to use as sentinels or satellite soldiers to alert them of the arrival of the police. given the drug. ", explained one of the researchers.

To carry out the search, a group of money implemented a "Trojan horse" when using an old dump truck "go unnoticed" in the neighborhood. In total, there were 10 inmates, many of them parents. In addition, most have already sold narcotics, according to police sources.

They also seized more than 1.5 kilograms of marijuana, ready-to-sell cocaine hydrochloride packaging, cash, mobile phones and other items of interest.

The drug was hidden in one of the furniture.

The investigation and arrests were carried out by members of the Illicit Drug Trafficking and Local Organized Crime Investigation Division, with support from the Secretariat for Public Policy, Security and Justice. from the municipality of La Plata and to other police services.

The functional research unit No. 1 and the Court of Guarantees No. 3, both of the La Plata judicial service, are involved.


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