“They don’t want the baby to be born, they don’t want the old man to live. They aspire to death ”: Alejandro Ordóñez speaks out on euthanasia


The Colombian Ambassador to the OAS, Alejandro Ordóñez.  Photo: Colprensa.
The Colombian Ambassador to the OAS, Alejandro Ordóñez. Photo: Colprensa.

This Thursday, July 22, the plenary chamber of the Constitutional Court decided to extend the fundamental right to die with medically assisted dignity, also called euthanasia, to non-sick patients. After knowing the determination, several voices for and against the process were expressed.

Among those who joined the debate was Colombian Ambassador to the Organization of American States (OAS), Alejandro Ordoñez, who, via his Twitter account, expressed his position against, noting that in Colombia “Tongue death.”

In his trill, Ordoñez also took the opportunity to refer to abortion, stating that in the country they consider “progress” the “Kill their children in their mother’s womb”.

“They don’t want the baby to be born, they don’t want the old man to live. The weak, the defenseless, the handicapped, hamper the strong. They yearn for death. They call for progress to kill their children in their mother’s womb, they call for the right to kill their parents. They believe they are above everything, even God. », Wrote the Colombian ambassador to the OAS, on his Twitter account.

Photo: Twitter Alejandro Ordoñez.
Photo: Twitter Alejandro Ordoñez.

After the publication, hundreds of users, hundreds of users came out to show their rejection of his position, while others supported Ordoñez.

“Well, only those who have seen a loved one suffer indescribably, see how it is consumed day by day, with no possibility of healing and see in their eyes a call to rest, will applaud this failure, the rest is to sit a position outside of this harsh reality, ”wrote Ordoñez, a user of the same social network.

Photo: Twitter @ ivanvargasm22.
Photo: Twitter @ ivanvargasm22.

At the same time, other Internet users have expressed their support for the position of the Colombian ambassador to the OAS on euthanasia. “It is ASSISTED SUICIDE and / or it is killing the helpless person who loses the ability to appreciate a decision that compromises the most important thing before him: His presence before God when he dies and therefore eternal life. or his conviction. Only God is the owner of life. “

Photo: Twitter @jesusramongomez.
Photo: Twitter @jesusramongomez.

This is what the Constitutional Court determined on the euthanasia of non-terminally ill patients

In Colombia, only 94 euthanasia procedures were performed from April 2015 to May 8, 2020, according to the Ministry of Health.  Photo: EFE / Marcial Guillén / File.
In Colombia, only 94 euthanasia procedures were performed from April 2015 to May 8, 2020, according to the Ministry of Health. Photo: EFE / Marcial Guillén / File.

With six votes for and three against, the Constitutional Court decided to authorize the fundamental right to die with dignity in a medically assisted manner for non-incurable patients “provided that the patient suffers from intense physical or mental suffering, resulting from bodily injury or serious and incurable illness. “

Henceforth, the patients who will be able to access euthanasia are those who suffer from severe pain which prevents them from continuing their normal life. The Constitutional Court also indicated that the procedure must be carried out by a specialist, and the request must be made voluntarily by consent free, unequivocal, informed and repeated.

The high court also indicated that it will be the patient himself who will determine the alternative for carrying out the intervention, which guarantees his well-being given his state of health. The Court also specified that the method chosen must be subject to professional medical supervision.

“In view of this scenario, it is the obligation of the State to offer and provide the services, techniques and assistance necessary for the protection of life, reduction of pain and therapeutic treatment, but as already indicated, the Court must reiterate the right of the subject to rule autonomously on his death ”, specifies the judgment.

The Court ultimately determined that euthanasia cannot be considered a crime when performed by a physician, and as long as “Is carried out with the free and informed consent, prior or subsequent to the diagnosis, of the taxpayer of the act, and each time the patient suffers from intense physical or mental suffering, bodily injury or serious and incurable illness ”.


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