They dug it up because they heard screams in his grave


Relatives of an alleged deceased in Colombia attended a "resurrection".

Colombia. Family members of an alleged deceased witnessed the "resurrection" in the Llorente region of Colombia. Did the man they shot started screaming from inside the grave and they took him to take him to the hospital.

After being unearthed, the body of Fidel Pantoja, aged 50, was transported to a health center because noises were heard in the vault where he had been buried nine days earlier. They claimed that he was alive, although it was more a desire than reality.

"He had lung problems and, from one moment to the next, he died.The wake pbaded, everyone was sad," said Camilo Perdomo, a resident of Fidel's farm , in the village of Inda Sabaleta, in Tumaco. Those who visited the cemetery took the land and broke the coffin to "save" the deceased. The body was examined by the medical staff, but there were no vital signs, despite the hopes put.

On the insistence of the curious, who insisted that Fidel be resurrected, they sent him to the San Andrés Hospital of Chilví (Tumaco), where they again baderted that the l & # 39; man had no vital sign. It is still strange that the body is not in a state of decomposition, it seemed almost intact, it only had burns in the face, because in Tumaco, because of the humidity, it is easier for it to happen quickly .


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