They ensure that 5G technology will revolutionize the mobile Internet


experts and executives large companies technology world like Microsoft, Baidu, Qualcomm, Western Digital or Alibaba predicts today that the networks 5G and the opportunities offered by the Artificial intelligence (IA) will revolutionize the Internet mobile and will transform the world.

At the opening of the sixth edition of World Conference on the Internet in the Chinese city of Wuzhen, industry gurus have also warned of risks for Security and the confidentiality that new technologies imply, in particular the management of Big Data this implies the Artificial intelligence.

"The digital economy will be the main driver of the growth of the Mondial economy and the chips of IA more advanced will shape the infrastructure of the new era, "he said Robin Li, president and co-founder of the Chinese giant Baidu, equivalent to Google in the Asian country, where the products of American society are prohibited.

According to Li, in a few years, the the addiction of the mobile while audio devices or smart sensors They will occupy their space. Searches in Internethe said, they will be "much more accurate"and" will be everywhere ", beyond devices, which can be activated with gestures or looks.

The president of QualcommAlex Rogers, also considered that the IA and the new networks of Internet mobile "are going to transform the way people get communicate"and highlighted the progress of China in 5G, who, he said, will start working in more than 50 cities from the Asian country at the end of the year.

Vice President of the American Society Microsoft, Harry ShumHe stressed that governments and businesses "have the responsibility to ensure good development"of this technology.

As well John Hoffman, president of GSMA, an association that brings together mobile operators, said the 5G "will convert the fiction in fact"By creating a" new era of the mobile Internet ", whose economy is already equivalent, he said, Germany 's gross domestic product, reported on the latest news from the US. EFE news agency.

China, where are they blocked a lot Web pages and Western applications, this six-party conference Internet, who is also trying to think about international cooperation and foster an open network.

In the edition of there is two years the leading leaders of American companies participated as Google or Apple but the current commercial and technological war between China and United States, including the veto of Washington to the Chinese giant Huawei, reduced the American presence this year.


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