They ensure that pochoclo is rich in antioxidants to fight against aging


Snacks such as chocolates, nuts and pochoclos are also a topic of study for researcher and professor Joe Vinson, of the University of Scranton, Pennsylvania, who specializes in the badysis healthy components of these foods.

In a study presented at the 243rd National Meeting of the American Chemical Society, the doctor of chemistry explained that Pop corn can help fight against aging, Thanks to its high content of antioxidants. He showed that they have more polyphenols that some fruits and vegetables, although does not replace them.

Polyphenols are chemical substances that are distinguished by their great antioxidants able to help eliminate free radicals from the body. In other words, they help fight and eliminate substances that can damage cells and tissues of the body.

Even polyphenols can help reduce blood sugar levels, which helps to reduce the risk of heart diseaseas well as a reduced risk of type 2 diabetes.

According to Dr. Vinson, pochoclo is the perfect snack because it is 100% whole grains, unprocessed. In addition, one serving provides over 70% of the recommended daily intake of whole grains.

The composition of pochoclos is also rich in different minerals, such as copper and zinc. But also iron, which helps prevent anemia; magnesium, essential for maintaining optimal heart health; and phosphorus, which participates in the growth of bone tissue.


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