they ensure that the Pope negotiates the creation of humanitarian corridors


Nighttime, political and diplomatic Rome stirred at dawn on Sunday with the front page news of “Il Tempo” that Pope Francis has opened a discussion channel through Turkish President Erdogan with the Taliban, to create humanitarian corridors Afghan refugees.

This is one of the questions more difficult and urgent since the capital of Afghanistan, Kabul, fell to the Taliban on Sunday 15. It is the date of the defeat of the United States, the second in its history after Vietnam. Twenty years ago, the Americans ousted the Taliban from power and installed governments close to their interests.

A journalist, Luigi Bisignani, raised in Argentina and politically close to the late Italian Prime Minister Giulio Andreotti on several occasions, signs the article titled “Test the Pope” with bodily catastrophe throughout the front page of the conservative morning “He Tempo”.

Bisignani writes that “Kabul can turn into hell” and “only a reserved initiative from the Vatican Secretary of State could be miraculously useful”.

The journalist underlines that the moment is particularly difficult because of the alert in Italy of “high risk” which announces, with a new wave of immigration the terrorist danger. The risk level has been reduced from three to five.

Pope Francis, this Sunday.  (EFE)

Pope Francis, this Sunday. (EFE)

Italy could be saved from the attacks “because a reserved channel unexpectedly opened between the Holy See and the Taliban to create a real humanitarian corridor”, which Europe has failed to organize, adds. he.

Help from a Jesuit in Draghi

At the instigation of the Pope, the Secretariat of State, whose prefect is Cardinal Pietro Parolin, collaborates with the Congregation of Oriental Churches, headed by Argentinian cardinal Leonardo Sandri, writes Bisignani.

Bisignani argues that there is a triangulation between President Erdogan’s Turkey and the Taliban regime trying to form a government. By this initiative, “we could have afuega of the attacks” (terrorists). For Prime Minister Mario Draghi, “who studied with the Jesuits, another Jesuit could help him”.

Vatican, correspondent


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