They evacuated another building due to risk of collapse in Miami – News


Residents of a building located in North Miami Beach had to evacuate their homes within minutes because of a report submitted to the authorities which indicates that the construction is dangerous “in its structure and its electrical installation”.

The Crestview Towers have 156 apartments and over 300 tenants. Information on its foundations was made public in December 2020, but was made public after the collapse of the Champlain South Towers, from which it is 11 kilometers away.

It is the first building to be evacuated since Florida authorities began reviewing old buildings to prevent another tragedy.

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According to the report carried out by the Roberto Barrerio company of B&A Engineering Services In Miami, problems with beams, columns, walls, balcony slabs and other structural elements were found in the building which “showed signs of danger”.

In addition, “cracks everywhere, moisture in balcony slabs, walls and other structural elements” were detected, as well as “corrosion in concrete and rebar.

The report also recommended repairs to an electrical room on the fifth floor, the fire alarm and smoke detectors, emergency lights and the electric generator.

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The Champlain towers collapse

According to the Wall Street newspaperOn December 2, 1980, while the collapsed building was under construction, a team of structural engineers ordered the work to be stopped because they were in violation of local building codes.

The building ran into problems again years later, when in 2018, a company leading the recertification process reported serious structural problems.

The authorities have decided to demolish what remains of the building to prevent another collapse, but they assure that they will do it slowly to try to find the bodies of the victims.

About 250 people and rescue dogs are working on the search. So far, 22 deaths have been reported and 126 people are still missing.

Cinthya Zak Report


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