They eventually executed Lisa Montgomery in the United States …


The state of Indiana this Wednesday executed Lisa Montgomery, the only woman sentenced to death in the United States and the first to be executed federally in more than six decades.

The slow injection executionThis happened in the Terre Haute prison complex, after the Supreme Court lifted the suspension that a federal court had ordered hours earlier.

His death, which a group of journalists witnessed from an adjoining room, was attested after 1:30 a.m. local time, according to some media gathering accounts of the process. Montgomery waived his right to say a few final words. He simply replied “no” when one of his tormentors uncovered his face and asked him if he wanted to say something.

<< Our Constitution prohibits the execution of a person who cannot rationally understand this execution (…). The current administration knows it. And they still killed her “, denounced his lawyer Kelley Henry in a press release. All those who participated in this case” should be ashamed, “he added.

Montgomery, 52, was sentenced in 2007 for killing a 23-year-old woman, eight months pregnant in 2004, and extracting her baby, who was later found unharmed by authorities. His lawyers argued during the court proceedings that he suffered from mental illness as a result of the sexual abuse he suffered as a child.

The execution, the first of a woman at the federal level since 1953, comes a week before Joe Biden assumed the US presidency.


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