They executed the "killer of the road": he drowned six homosexuals with rags, toilet paper and even a sex toy


The state of Florida on Thursday executed Gary Ray Bowles, who confessed to killing six men in 1994 in an attack. series of attacks against homobaduals.

Bowles was known as "the killer of I-95", referring to the road that connects the eastern United States from north to south because it killed its six victims in six states along this highway in the space of eight months.

Bowles, 57, was declared dead at 10:58 pm local time after receiving a lethal injection in Florida State Prison, in North Bradford County, and after the US Supreme Court dismissed a last-minute appeal filed by his defense.

Bowles' crimes have maintained a common denominator: drowned his victims Men with whom he would live with different objects, including rags, rolls of toilet paper, dirt and even a bad toy.

The series of murders began with that of John Hardy Roberts in Daytona Beach (Florida), followed by other duties in Rockville (Maryland), Savannah and Atlanta (Georgia), as well as in Nbadau County in Florida and the last in Jacksonville. Beach

Authorities had identified Bowles since the first murder in March 1994 since leave your document on the crime scene and was seen by a security camera trying to extract cash from a Roberts account teller.

His capture was however more complicated and the fugitive had time to perpetrate the five other murders.

Prior to the 1994 criminal spiral, Bowles had been sentenced to eight years in prison for hitting and raping his girlfriend in 1982

In a last written statement, He apologized "for the sorrow and suffering" that caused. "I never wanted my life to look like this: you do not get up one day and decide to become a serial killer," he lamented.

According to the order of execution, in his childhood, Bowles suffered blows from his father-in-law and the abandonment of his mother.

he Washington Post He published a biography of Bowles in 1994, who was at the time a fugitive, in which he recounted that the killer had fled his home while he was a teenager. he's devoted himself to prostitution to survive.

In 1994, he was captured in Jacksonville, in northeastern Florida, for the murder of Walter Jamelle Hinton. Bowles then confessed all the other crimes.

Florida Governor Ron DeSantis signed his order of execution on June 11. It was the second run of the year in Florida and the number thirteen across the country.

Since the Supreme Court reintroduced the death penalty in 1976 in the United States. 1,503 prisoners were executed, including 99 in Florida.


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