They exported the first pears from the upper Rio Negro Valley to China


Five containers with pears from the upper Río Negro Valley arrived in China, in the first shipment of these fruits entering the Asian market, reported by the provincial government.

Sending these 30,000 kilos of pears sent by the brand Kleppe de Cipolletti a previous in the Alto Valle fruit commercial opening on the world market, they badured.

Rio Negro governor Alberto Weretilneck announced the announcement on social media: "They arrived in China five containers with pears rionegrinas. For the first time, Gaucho fruits from Kleppe company reach the Asian giant. Congratulations! "

Five containers containing Rionegrin pears arrived in China. For the first time, Gaucho fruits from Kleppe company reach the Asian giant. Congratulations! ????

– Alberto Weretilneck (@Weretilneck) July 11, 2019

In statements to TelamThe province's agriculture minister, Alberto Diomedi, said: "We have come for a while to maintain relations with the Asian country."

"That's why, in this trade liaison framework This cargo of walnut pears has been exportedwe are very happy and have high expectations, "he added.


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