They extended until Monday the mandate of Florencia Kirchner


The daughter of the former president has more space to return from Cuba or presents medical certificates justifying her absence in the country for health reasons Source: LA NACION – Credit: Horacio Córdoba

In the midst of a debate on the timing and modalities of the Kirchner family's lawsuits, the Federal Court Oral (TOF) No. 5 decided yesterday to grant 48 hours more to

Florencia Kirchner

give an account of your state of health.

The daughter of the former president, who went to Cuba with health problems,
had until yesterday to return to Argentina, but the court understood that the deadline for submitting medical certificates on their state of health is valid for 48 hours, informed judicial sources.

That is to say that the lawyer Carlos Beraldi will have time until Monday to justify the alleged absence of Florencia Kirchner in court, if the daughter of the former president decides to stay in Cuba.

Despite his absence, the scenario of uncertainty surrounding the various cases close to the trial involving his family could be beneficial.

TOF No. 5, composed of Judges José Martínez Sobrino, Daniel Obligado and Fabiana Palotti, was declared incompetent and sent the Los Sauces file to the Cbadation Chamber to decide which court should proceed to the trial. This situation weakens the possibility that Florencia Kirchner is declared rebellious.

Finally, when he presents the medical studies, the TOF n ° 5 will be able to evaluate on Monday whether his absence in Argentina is justified. The court had already asked his defense to send the documentation with the medical history, the studies carried out and the report of the doctors of Havana.

Moreover, the Federal Oral Court No. 8, which is in charge of the Hotesur case file, extended the authorization of the previous day for Florencia Kirchner to remain in Cuba until April 15th.





These are the two judicial fronts facing the daughter of the former president, who was prosecuted as a member of an illicit badociation for his participation in the corporate structure and the company. 39; hotel allegedly dedicated to money laundering of illicit origin.

For the moment, her defense appealed yesterday to the Cbadation Chamber for it to consolidate all the outstanding cases to be resolved, these trials to be tried, indicated judicial sources. With this unresolved presentation, it will be even more complicated for the court to declare the daughter of the former president in absentia.

Florencia Kirchner went to Cuba in mid-March. Her mother publicly announced that the 29-year-old girl was suffering from "serious health problems" because of the "fierce persecution to which she is subjected" in Argentina.

The former president broadcast a nearly five-minute video in which she explained the situation. According to him, Florencia Kirchner went to the Cuban capital in December to be invited to a film festival. At a medical consultation, "he was told to start a treatment". She returned to travel in February and March, while she was no longer allowed to return by plane due to her health problems.

Cristina Kirchner

, who traveled to Cuba to accompany him.


It remains to be determined which Chamber of the Cbadation Chamber will decide on the debates of Cristina Kirchner. They will have to define whether the trials are unified or whether they are specified separately and, in each case, which court will be responsible for the process.

The known causes like Vialidad, Los Sauces and Hotesur are the most advanced. In recent days, the courts trying the two Los Sauces trials (TOF 5) and Hotesur (TOF 8) have cited different reasons for not doing so and have declared themselves incompetent. These proposals could pose a threat to the start of the Roads trial, set for May 21.

When it was less than two months ago to begin this trial, the defenses of some of the defendants in the Hotesur and Los Sauces cases indicate that these cases are related to Roads and that they should be judged in the courts. same process.


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