They fear that Notre Dame will collapse completely as a result of the fire


Four months after the fire of Notre Dame Cathedral, the French government warned Wednesday of the existence of a "persistent" risk of complete collapse of the structure. In this way, they justified the speed with which the started tasks started in April and stated that they would continue to work in the same way after their resumption next week.

In a statement sent to local media, the Ministry of Culture said: "Following the heat wave, they again registered fallen stones from the vault. The pace of work started on 16 April is justified only by the urgency linked to the persistent risk of sinking. "

Following the dangers mentioned by the Government and because of the presence of lead in the vicinity of the cathedral, the reconstruction tasks were paralyzed on July 25 with the aim of rethinking health and safety measures for workers.

Front view of the cathedral during the reconstruction work (Photo: AFP / ALAIN JOCARD).
Front view of the cathedral during the reconstruction work (Photo: AFP / ALAIN JOCARD).

So, from Culture they insisted that workers' health is a top priority and stressed that the arrangements put in place from the outset to ensure their security will be strengthened in the coming weeks and adapted to the number of people involved in the work, including reprise is scheduled for August 19th.

In parallel, Monday lead cleaning has begun, which will last three weeks. The risk of worker contamination with this toxic material was one of the main causes of the work stoppage last July.


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