They fell in love at 30, spent 20 years apart and reunited thanks to social media


A man and a woman from Brazil what did they take 20 years without seeing each other they found themselves, thanks to social networks, in the same place where they both met. She confessed that despite the passage of time, he was always the love of her life.

Joselita Saboia had just separated and felt that with her two dependent children and her new gastronomic project, she was going to have little time to fall in love again. The woman opened her restaurant in the city of Therese and there he met Jehovah Gusmao, a trucker from Rio de Janeiro.

After such a long separation, the wait was worth it. On Saturday June 12, Valentine’s Day in Brazil, Josy and Jehovah got together. (Photo: G1)

“He came to Teresina to deliver material and ended up going through my steakhouse. It was love at first sight. He always came and we lived that love for a few months, ”the woman told the site. G1.

Unfortunately the restaurant melted and closed its doors. The woman not only had to deal with a crisis and the accumulation of unpaid bills, she was not going have a way to contact the man she was captivated by.

Josy, as the woman is called, closed the store and never saw Jehovah again. But after 20 years, with the appearance of Facebook and other social networks, the trucker started his investigation be able to find Joselita.

“I always was social media research, But I did not find it”he commented. Finally, after a complex investigation, Jehovah found the key word and a picture of it appeared, which he fully recognized. That’s when he sent the first message, intending to arrange a reunion with his girlfriend.

“I managed to locate him, I wrote to her and she he has answered. I couldn’t believe it, I spent too many nights dream of herwondering what would happen to his life and if he would ever have the chance to to see her again“Said Jehovah.

So after being apart for so long, the wait was worth it. Saturday June 12, date of its celebration Valentine’s Day in Brazil, Josy and Jehovah they saw each other again. “Seeing each other again was very emotional. Now we are planning go live together “she said.

Without a doubt, their destiny was to be together. Not for nothing the relationship that Josy had at the time did not prosper and wedding plans they never materialized. Coincidentally, when she saw Jehovah again, she still single.

“I am very happy and excited, because I have always I was waiting for it, I never forgot it. He has always been the love of my life. When his message arrived, I was even moved, because I was still looking for him too, ”Josy concluded.


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