They filter the audio of Piñera's wife: "We are overwhelmed" – News


When it was leaked for the first time, it was said that it was fake. But the 51-second audio of Cecilia Morel, wife of Sebastián Piñera and Chile's first lady, is true.

"Friend, I think the most important thing is to try to keep a cool head, not to continue to heat, because what is coming is very, very serious," we learned.

And he continues: "They imposed a curfew because it was known that the strategy was to break the entire supply chain. Even in some areas, food, water, pharmacies completely submerged, it's like a foreign invasion, stranger, I do not know how to say it, and we do not have the tools to fight them. "

And he adds, "Please, stay calm, call people of good will, take advantage of reason … rational food, and we will have to reduce our privileges and share them with others."

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