They find a dead woman at her home in Córdoba: they beat her to death


Patricia Rosa Saad was 61 years old, had a land clearance business and was a lender Credit: Channel 12

CORDOBA.- Tanti, a city about 60 kilometers from the city of

in Punilla, is shocked by the murder of the businesswoman Patricia Rosa Saad, 61 years old. A friend found her in her house thrown and bleeding when she went to pick her up for a meeting. The victim had a customs clearance business and, moreover, was a money lender

The investigators found their mobile phone on a table and an open gas key. Saad was shot in the head and, according to court records, she was killed yesterday around 7 am, five hours before her friend found her.

Saad was a municipal official in the management of the former steward of Tanti Alejandro Pérez Baroni until 2011. It was his wife who found her dead. For his business, he handled large sums of money, said prosecutor Jorgelina Gómez in charge of the case.

The woman has lived alone since her mother died a few years ago; he rented the apartment at the back of the house to a couple. Saad had already undergone two rounds; in one they beat their mother and in another they locked her in the trunk of the car.

Because of this context, she did not open the door if she did not know the person. The locks of his house yesterday were not forced; the other fact is that-apparently-nothing is missing at home. In any case, the prosecutor does not exclude that the murder is the result of an attempted robbery. The title page has changed today in the morning; until yesterday it was the death of dubious cause.

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