They find a dead woman surrounded by 140 snakes – – Diario de Mendoza, Argentina


The police of Indiana (United States) found the body of a 36-year-old woman with a reticulated python nearly two and a half meters long around her neck. This animal, native to Southeast Asia, is considered the longest snake in the world.

The victim, named Laura Hurst, was found unconscious by the emergency services at the home of Sheriff Donald Munson of Benton County, surrounded by some 140 other snakes, 20 of which belonged to the victim, according to the report. Police

Hurst visited the Munson property about twice a week. As a police officer explained, the death of the woman was a "tragic accident" and stated that he "cooperated fully with everyone".

In the house where Hurst lost his life, no one lives, has been renovated and specially adapted to house this collection of snakes, according to CNN.

Sheriff Munson reported that Hurst was on his property "apparently visiting his snakes and doing everything that people apparently do with snakes"It will be the autopsy that will determine the cause of Hurst's death.


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