They find a funeral ship that could be a Viking


They find a funeral ship that could be Viking | MDZ online

Researchers go through the location of the ship.

Researchers have discovered in a national park in Borre, Norway, a funerary vessel that has not yet been buried and could be traced back to the Viking era. According to National Geographic magazine, in Europe, there were 13 funerary ships dating from 570 to 1050; with Jellestad's funeral vessel detected in 2018 and with the latter recently detected in Borre for a total of 15.

Of these, "only seven of them can be explicitly badociated with the Viking Age (800-1050 AD), three of which are located in Vestfold County".

The georadar image of the ship.

Researchers use a georadar to search for boats. In addition to the funeral vessel of Borre, the rooms of at least four buildings have been detected in recent years. "The georadar data clearly show the shape of a ship and we can see slight traces of a circular depression around a ship, which could indicate the existence of a ship. a tumulus that was later removed. " But we will continue to investigate with georadar and other non-invasive methods, "said Terje Gansum, director of the Department of Cultural Heritage Management of Vestfold County.


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