They find a naked Argentinean with mutilated genitals on a Chilean road | Chronic


An Argentinian was found lying naked on the side of the road near the Mamuil Malal border post in Chile. His discovery surprised the police, seeing that he had cut his bads. That happened in the morning of Thursday in the region of La Araucanía, municipality of Curarrehue.

In the first case, the rifleman who found the man thought that he had been overthrown. However, after shaking, he realized that he was alive.

Argentina, identified as Nestor A. F. , resided in Junín de los Andes but had moved to the town of Quelhue. After refusing to collaborate with the investigators to understand the manner in which the facts unfolded, he badured that he had caused the injuries himself.

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"This happened in the area of ​​Puesco, carabineers of the detachment of Curarrehue went to this place, where they found an Argentine citizen with the bads completely severed, without clothes underneath"He explained Mauricio Ojeda, governor of the province of Cautín.

And then he went further: "He was discovered by a man who drives a Vialidad truck.He realizes that there is some kind of bulge on the left side of the road and when he goes to see it, there is a person.".

They would be badyzing the transfer to the regional hospital of Temuco (GoogleMaps).

Chilean media said that when he entered Villarrica Hospital on Wednesday morning, he was showing signs of hypothermia. A few hours ago, he was admitted urgently to the Temuco area hospital for his work. "bad state".

Cristián Aguilera, doctor of the emergency department of Temuco, counted: "Once the patient stabilized, he went to the surgery department where the urology team proceeded to the surgical cleansing."

"It is a patient who arrived with a psychiatric history and who, as part of his pathology, would have decompensated during which the patient had self-inflicted acute injuries to the bad area, so he arrived here in this state", concluded Aguilera.

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The police found the rest of their bads in the same area where the wounded were. Staff of the Carabineros Police Investigation Section (SIP) is responsible for conducting investigations to determine the causes of this.


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