They find in San Juan the oldest giant dinosaur | News instantly from


The fossils of a giant dinosaur 205 million years ago, the oldest of its kind, were found in San Juan in 2015.

A scientific work describing this discovery was published on Monday in the magazine Nature Ecology and Evolution . The study was conducted by Argentine scientists.

Paleontologists baptized them Ingentia prima which in Latin means the "first immense". It weighed about 10 tons and was eight meters long. Although they do not know the bad of the specimen, the authors decided to baptize it with a female name

"It's the first record of a giant dinosaur." We were not expecting to find at this moment in the history of evolution, in the Tribadic, such a large dinosaur.It is special, in which we see the first steps towards gigantism, "says Cecilia Apaldetti , at the Spanish science news agency Sinc Apaldetti, of the National University of San Juan, is the main author of the book.

19659002]  DRAWING Illustration complete of the dinosaur (Jorge A. González) "title =" DRAWING Complete illustration of the dinosaur (Jorge A. González) "width =" 100% "height =" auto "/> 
<figcaption> DRAWING: Complete illustration of the dinosaur (Jorge A. González) </figcaption></p>
<p>  In 2000, a farmer commented to paleontologist Ricardo Martínez that in his field located near the city of Balde de Leyes (San Juan) he had seen what appeared to be buried bones. </p>
<p>  Martínez, co-author of the work on <em> Ingentia prima </em> made the first excavations in which they found <em> Leyesaurus marayensis </em> another ancient specimen. </p>
<p>  In fact, fossils of at least 15 new species belonging to several different vertebrate groups have already been detected on the site. In 2015, they detected the big bones of <em> I. prima. </em> </p>
<p>  The Tribadic dinosaurs were not very big, barely reaching 10 pounds. "Gigantism did not last overnight, it took millions of years for small dinosaurs and bipeds They were no bigger than eight kilograms, they were colossal," says Apaldetti </p>
<p>  Patagonia is the territory where the largest dinosaurs are to date.This is the group of titanosaurs of about 80 tons like the <em> Patagotitan mayorum </em> or the <em> Argentinosaurus </em>. </p>
<p>  But for the dinosaurs to increase their size several anatomical changes have occurred: lengthening of the neck, narrowing of the head, transformation of the extremities into something like columns and the loss of the phalanges of the arms. </p>
<p>  "As these animals acquired a greater muscle mbad, what hands crossed the biomechanical question to be part of the locomotion," says Apaldetti </p>
<p><em>  Ingentia prima </em> preu ve that dinosaurs reached gigantic sizes 30 million years earlier than we thought, even without having even transformed their anatomy. Its strategy of gigantism is different from that adopted by real giants like <em> Patagotitan mayorum </em>. </p>
<p>  Argentinean scientists found just over 30% of the body of <em> Ingentia prima </em>: the almost complete neck, one of the forelimbs and several vertebrae of the tail. Enough to conclude that his neck was sturdy and, more importantly, that he had an aviano type respiratory system. </p>
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