They find strange “dragons” on the beach: What animal is it? | the Chronicle


While walking along a beach on the Cape Peninsula in South Africa, a woman was surprised to come across a “strange dragon” of blue color by the sea.

According to specialists, it is a “Glaucus atlanticus”, a gastropod popularly called “Blue dragon” and which generally inhabit the Atlantic, Pacific and Indian Oceans. He is highly respected for being poisonous and his bite has earned him a reputation as “the ocean’s finest killer”.

Also, they said that the bright blue color of these “sea dragons” acts as a camouflage against the bottom of the ocean waves.

Maria Wagener, The young woman who found this creature of a wonderful blue color, used to help the starfish stranded on the coast during her walks, but this time she had a lucky intuition and decided to stay away from the animal, but shared his discovery with his followers of Instagram.

“I collect starfish all the time and put them back in the sea, but I felt that [tocar a esa criatura] it was going to hurt “Wagener said. “I probably would have returned it to the sea, if I had had something to lift it”he added.

The video of the discovery of the strange animal


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