They find "the door of hell" in a mysterious cave


In a mysterious cave, they found a lot of symbols. It was perhaps a "hellish door" because of the meaning of these marks.

They found a small and mysterious cellar near the town of Creswell, England. According to the researchers, they thought it was "a gateway to hell". In ancient times, it was believed that this portal was used by demons and witches to sow chaos in mankind.

This formation contains the largest concentration of apotropic symbols ever found in the UK. These are brands that have been used to protect themselves from harm or misfortune.

What has most attracted the attention of researchers, is the number of these brands. The size and variety of the symbols, engraved on the limestone walls and the roof of a cellar who has a deep, dark hole in its center.

Scientist Alison Fearn, an expert in protective symbols at the University of Leicester, confirmed that letters and symbols were Christian. But this should not be considered in this context. Because from the sixteenth century to the beginning of the nineteenth century, people did not badociate the cross much with religion.

According to Fearn, the cross simply meant "a protective symbol" for something that was in the cellar. It fulfilled the function of keeping this something away from the cellar or prevent it from leaving it. "They could be fairies, witches, anything that was feared would stay there," said the specialist.

"It seems to be the largest set of protective marks that has been found in British caves and probably anywhere in the UK," confirmed Ronald Hutton, professor and expert in English folklore.

The lie hidden behind the children who were trapped in the cave

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