They find the remains of a funerary ship from the Viking times – 25/03/2019


A funeral ship, which probably goes back to Viking Age, was discovered with the georadar technology, without having to perform excavations in the field. It was located between the burial mounds of Borre Cemetery, in Borre National Park in Horten, in southern Norway, according to a team of archaeologists from the province of Vestfold.

The image of the georadar shows what appears to be a Viking ship in Borreparken, in the province of Vestfold (Norway). The ship has been located with georadar technology. EFE / Vestfold

The image of the georadar shows what appears to be a Viking ship in Borreparken, in the province of Vestfold (Norway). The ship has been located with georadar technology. EFE / Vestfold

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The remains were found with the aid of a ground penetration radar. In the picture "clearly observes an anomaly of the boat-shaped ground"said Vestfold, Terje Gansum, spokesman for the county. Archaeologists will perform additional tests before finally digging.

The national park of Borre with Horten, is the site of tumulus the largest in Northern Europe and contains more Viking tombs than anywhere else in Norway. The new discovery is near a museum dedicated to the local Viking heritage.

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The persons responsible for the search blocked the area where the ship would be on the ground, which should be considered as a Viking ship should measure at least 15 meters. However, they did not give details of the exact measurement, although they indicated that the captured images clearly show the shape of a ship and that in addition, there are slight traces of a circular hole around, which could be a sign that has been deformed by time.

Aerial image of where the boat is. (EFE)

Aerial image of where the boat is. (EFE)

In Europe they knew each other 13 funeral boats dated between the years 570 and 1050. With the funerary ship of Jellestad detected in 2018 and with the latter recently detected in Borre, he raises to 15 in total. However, "only seven of them can be explicitly badociated with the Viking Age (800-1050 AD), three of which are located in Vestfold County".


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